
Wednesday, April 04, 2007

CuTest Example Compiled with error!

I copy the example from the readme file of CuTest.
However, it compiles with error.

The following the updated version:

Here is a more detailed example. We will work through a simple
test first exercise. The goal is to create a library of string
utilities. First, lets write a function that converts a
null-terminated string to all upper case.

Ensure that CuTest.c and CuTest.h are accessible from your C
project. Next, create a file called StrUtil.c with these

#include  <assert.h>
< setjmp.h>
<stdlib.h >
// The origianl version has missed the above includes
#include "CuTest.h"
char* StrToUpper(char*  str) {
return str;
void  TestStrToUpper(CuTest *tc) {
char*  input = strdup(" hello world");
char*  actual = StrToUpper(input);
char*  expected = " HELLO WORLD";
        CuAssertStrEquals(tc, expected, actual);
* StrUtilGetSuite() {
* suite =  CuSuiteNew();
        SUITE_ADD_TEST(suite, TestStrToUpper);
return suite;

Create another file called AllTests.c with these contents:

    #include  "CuTest.h"
*  StrUtilGetSuite();
void RunAllTests(void ) {
*output = CuStringNew();
* suite = CuSuiteNew();
        CuSuiteAddSuite(suite, StrUtilGetSuite());
        CuSuiteSummary(suite, output);
        CuSuiteDetails(suite, output);
" %s\n", output->buffer);
int main(void) {

More detail please see its readme file.
Happy day, happy life!

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