
Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Re: Re: 我们需要怎样的教育

in my opinion,the fear is false,the lazy is real.
we should never be diligent selectively,
but usefully.
seems terrible and uncomforable
but as long as you really regard the bitterness as the pleasure!

as for the educaton,there is too too much about it.
ideological education:
set examples by the elites is just the most important,but anthing left except the corruption?
science education:
i and the most majority of the budies here have lent most of them to our teachers.

> 我的理解是:恐惧不完全是坏事情,恐惧能够提醒我们分辨思考,帮助我们逃避危险。但是当恐惧变成一种巨大的精神负担和无底深渊时,对恐惧的态度是至关重要的:是平和的接受然后思考分析,还是又产生了对当前这种恐惧状态的恐惧,我觉得这是书中探讨的"智慧"-
> "它是一种无限的包容力,允许你自由地思想;没有恐惧,没有公式, 然后你才能发现什么是真实的、正确的事物。
> "如果教育能上升到人性化的教育,现在人们的问题就会少得多了。那教育该由谁来承担呢?我觉得不是一个人、一个家庭、一所学校的责任。我们时时刻刻都在接受教育,也在教育着别人,从自己的生活、工作、自己的家人、朋友、同学、周围所有认识和不认识的,看到的、听到的、想到的、有生命的和没有生命的,每一个都值得我们学习思考。想想那些影响我们生命历程的曾经的陌生人,你就能想象得到我们又是在如何影响别人的生活?过去的都已经过去,不要让过去成为我们成长路上的负担,忘记过去,除了感激什么都不要留下,让我们重新开始吧!
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Re: 我们需要怎样的教育

我的理解是:恐惧不完全是坏事情,恐惧能够提醒我们分辨思考,帮助我们逃避危险。但是当恐惧变成一种巨大的精神负担和无底深渊时,对恐惧的态度是至关重要的:是平和的接受然后思考分析,还是又产生了对当前这种恐惧状态的恐惧,我觉得这是书中探讨的"智慧"- "它是一种无限的包容力,允许你自由地思想;没有恐惧,没有公式, 然后你才能发现什么是真实的、正确的事物。 "如果教育能上升到人性化的教育,现在人们的问题就会少得多了。那教育该由谁来承担呢?我觉得不是一个人、一个家庭、一所学校的责任。我们时时刻刻都在接受教育,也在教育着别人,从自己的生活、工作、自己的家人、朋友、同学、周围所有认识和不认识的,看到的、听到的、想到的、有生命的和没有生命的,每一个都值得我们学习思考。想想那些影响我们生命历程的曾经的陌生人,你就能想象得到我们又是在如何影响别人的生活?过去的都已经过去,不要让过去成为我们成长路上的负担,忘记过去,除了感激什么都不要留下,让我们重新开始吧!

Monday, April 09, 2007

Re: 我们需要怎样的教育

can education should really handle this matter???
i can't but say that the fear is tied up with life beings.
no life being,then no fear.
of course,it perhaps can teach us how to live naturally,hahaha

> 除非教育能帮助你了解广大生命的所有精微面,否则教育是没有什么意义的。
> 我们通过一些考试,找到一份工作,结婚,生子,然后就越活越像一部机器。我们依然对生命恐惧、焦虑,因此帮助我们了解人生的整个过程,难道不是教育的目的?还是,教育只为我们谋职或找一份最好的工作而奠基?
> 教育的真正意义,难道不是培养你的智慧,借着它找出所有问题的答案? 你知道智慧是什么吗?它是一种无限的包容力,允许你自由地思想;没有恐惧,没有公式,
> 然后你才能发现什么是真实的、正确的事物。
> 但是如果你有恐惧,你永远也不可能有智慧。
> 如果你的心中有恐惧,你就不能探索、观察、学习,不能深入地察觉。所以,教育的意义很显然就是消除外在的及内在破坏人类思想、关系及爱的那份恐惧。
> 摘于 《人生中不可不想的事》-----克里希那穆提 著
> --
> Happy day, happy life!
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教育的真正意义,难道不是培养你的智慧,借着它找出所有问题的答案? 你知道智慧是什么吗?它是一种无限的包容力,允许你自由地思想;没有恐惧,没有公式, 然后你才能发现什么是真实的、正确的事物。



摘于 《人生中不可不想的事》-----克里希那穆提 著

Happy day, happy life!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

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Inline Functions In C



GNU C (and some other compilers) had inline functions long before standard C introduced them (in the 1999 standard); this page summarizes the rules they use, and makes some suggestions as to how to actually use inline functions.

The point of making a function "inline" is to hint to the compiler that it is worth making some form of extra effort to call the function faster than it would otherwise - generally by substituting the code of the function into its caller. As well as eliminating the need for a call and return sequence, it might allow the compiler to perform certain optimizations between the bodies of both functions.

Sometimes it is necessary for the compiler to emit a stand-alone copy of the object code for a function even though it is an inline function - for instance if it is necessary to take the address of the function, or if it can't be inlined in some particular context, or (perhaps) if optimization has been turned off. (And of course, if you use a compiler that doesn't understand "inline", you'll need a stand-alone copy of the object code so that all the calls actually work at all.)

There are various ways to define inline functions; any given kind of definition might definitely emit stand-alone object code, definitely not stand-alone emit object code, or only emit stand-alone object code if it is known to be needed. Sometimes this can lead to duplication of object code, which is a potential problem for following reasons:

  1. It wastes space.
  2. It can cause pointers to what is apparently the same function to compare not equal to one another.
  3. It might reduce the effectiveness of the instruction cache. (Although inlining might do that in other ways too.)

If any of these are a problem for you then you will want to use a strategy that avoids duplication. These are discussed below.

GNU C inline rules

The GNU C rules are described in the GNU C manual, which is included with the compiler. This is freely available if you follow links from e.g.

  • A function defined with "inline" on its own. Stand-alone object code is always emitted. You can only write one definition like this in your entire program. If you want to use it from other translation units to the one where it is defined, you put a declaration in a header file; but it would not be inlined in those translation units.

    This is of rather limited use: if you only want to use the function from one translation unit then "static inline" below makes more sense, if not the you probably want some form that allows the function to be inlined in more than one translation unit.

    However it does have the advantage that by defining away the "inline" keyword, the program reduces to a portable program with the same meaning (provided no other non-portable constructions are used).

  • A function defined with "extern inline". Stand-alone object code is never emitted. You can have multiple such definitions and your program will still work. However, you should add a non-inline definition somewhere too, in case the function is not inlined everywhere.

    This provides sensible semantics (you can avoid duplicate copies of the functions' object code) but is a bit inconvenient to use.

    One approach to using this would be to put the definitions in a header file, surrounded by a #if that expands to true either when using GNU C, or when the header has been included from the file that is contain the emitted definitions (whether or not using GNU C). In the latter case the "extern" is omitted (for instance writing "EXTERN" and #define-ing that to either "extern" or nothing). The "#else" branch would contain just declarations of the functions, for non-GNU compilers.

  • A function defined with "static inline". Stand-alone object code may be emitted if required. You can have multiple definitions in your program, in different translation units, and it will still work. Just dropping the "inline" reduces the program to a portable one (again, all other things being equal).

    This is probably useful primarily for small functions that you might otherwise use macros for. If the function isn't always inlined then you get duplicate copies of the object code, with the problems described above.

    A sensible approach would be to put the "static inline" functions in either a header file if they are to be widely used or just in the source files that use them if they are only ever used from one file.

C99 inline rules

The specification for "inline" is section 6.7.4 of the C99 standard (ISO/IEC 9899:1999). This isn't freely available, but you can buy a PDF of it from ISO relatively cheaply.

  • A function where all the declarations (including the definition) mention "inline" and never "extern". There must be a definition in the same translation unit. No stand-alone object code is emitted. You can (must?) have a separate (not inline) definition in another translation unit, and the compiler might choose either that or the inline definition.

    Such functions may not contain modifiable static variables, and may not refer to static variables or functions elsewhere in the source file where they are declared.

  • A function where at least one declaration mentions "inline", but where some declaration doesn't mention "inline" or does mention "extern". There must be a definition in the same translation unit. Stand-alone object code is emitted (just like a normal function) and can be called from other translation units in your program.

    The same constraint about statics above applies here, too.

  • A function defined "static inline". A local definition may be emitted if required. You can have multiple definitions in your program, in different translation units, and it will still work. This is the same as the GNU C rules.

main is not allowed to be an inline function.

(If you think I've misinterpreted these rules, please let me know!)

(C++ is stricter: a function which is inline anywhere must be inline everywhere and must be defined identically in all the translation units that use it.)

Recent versions of GNU C have a -std=c99 option, but this doesn't enable C99 inline rules yet. The manual recommends sticking to "static inline", that being the portable subset, and promises C99 semantics in a future release. (But it's been three years since I wrote that, and the situation does not appear to have changed yet.)

Strategies for using inline functions

These rules suggest several possible models for using inline functions in more or less portable ways.

  1. A simple portable model. Use "static inline" (either in a common header file or just in one file). If the compiler needs to emit a definition (e.g. to take its address, or because it doesn't want to inline some call) then you waste a bit of space; if you take the address of the function in two translation units then the result won't compare equal.

    For instance, in a header file:

    static inline int max(int a, int b) {
    return a > b ? a : b;

    You can support legacy compilers (i.e. anything without "inline") via -Dinline="", although this wastes space.

  2. A GNU C model. Use "extern inline" in a common header and provide a definition in a .c file somewhere, perhaps using macros to ensure that the same code is used in each case. For instance, in the header file:

    #ifndef INLINE
    # define INLINE extern inline