public class AccessSqlScriptTest
public AccessSqlScriptTest()
// TODO: Add constructor logic here
#region Additional test attributes
// You can use the following additional attributes as you write your tests:
// Use ClassInitialize to run code before running the first test in the class
// [ClassInitialize()]
// public static void MyClassInitialize(TestContext testContext) { }
// Use ClassCleanup to run code after all tests in a class have run
// [ClassCleanup()]
// public static void MyClassCleanup() { }
// Use TestInitialize to run code before running each test
// [TestInitialize()]
// public void MyTestInitialize() { }
// Use TestCleanup to run code after each test has run
// [TestCleanup()]
// public void MyTestCleanup() { }
public void CreateTable()
/// create table
const string TABLE_NAME = "Tab1";
string cmdText = string.Format(@"Create Table {0} (
ID Counter,
Name string,
Age integer,
[Date] DateTime); ", TABLE_NAME);
AccessHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(Config.ConnectionString, cmdText);
// create index
//string indexName = "iName";
//cmdText = string.Format(@"Create Index {0} ON {1} ([Name]); ", TABLE_NAME, indexName);
//AccessHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(Config.ConnectionString, cmdText);
// create unique index
//string indexID = "iID";
//cmdText = string.Format(@"Create Unique Index {0} ON {1} ([ID]); ", TABLE_NAME, indexID);
//AccessHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(Config.ConnectionString, cmdText);
//// drop index
//cmdText = string.Format(@"Drop Index {0} ON {1};",indexID,TABLE_NAME);
//AccessHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(Config.ConnectionString, cmdText);
//cmdText = string.Format(@"Drop Index {0} ON {1};", indexName, TABLE_NAME);
//AccessHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(Config.ConnectionString, cmdText);
// drop table
cmdText = string.Format(@"Drop Table {0};", TABLE_NAME);
AccessHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(Config.ConnectionString, cmdText);
public void CreateStoreProcedure()
// creat store procedure
const string procedureName = "CreateStoreProcedureTest";
string cmdText = string.Format(@"CREATE PROC {0} AS SELECT * FROM t_Cow;"
, procedureName);
AccessHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(Config.ConnectionString, cmdText);
// drop store procedure
cmdText = string.Format(@"Drop PROC {0};", procedureName);
AccessHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(Config.ConnectionString, cmdText);
public void CreateStoreProcedureWithParams()
// creat store procedure
const string procedureName = "CreateStoreProcedureWithParamsTest";
string cmdText = string.Format(@"CREATE PROC {0} ([@ID] Short) AS SELECT * FROM t_Cow WHERE ID=[@ID];"
, procedureName);
AccessHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(Config.ConnectionString, cmdText);
// drop store procedure
cmdText = string.Format(@"Drop PROC {0};", procedureName);
AccessHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(Config.ConnectionString, cmdText);
public void AlterTableTest()
/// create table
const string TABLE_NAME = "Tab1";
string cmdText = string.Format(@"Create Table {0} (
ID Counter,
Name string,
Age integer,
[Date] DateTime); ", TABLE_NAME);
AccessHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(Config.ConnectionString, cmdText);
// add column
//ALTER TABLE [表名] ADD [字段名] INT
const string NewColumn = "NewColumn";
cmdText = string.Format(@"Alter Table {0} ADD [{1}] INT", TABLE_NAME, NewColumn);
AccessHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(Config.ConnectionString, cmdText);
// update column
//ALTER TABLE [表名] ALTER COLUMN [字段名] [字段类型]
// if not specified the text length, the column will be created as Memo type : Alter Table {0} Alter Column [{1}] Text;
cmdText = string.Format(@"Alter Table {0} Alter Column [{1}] Text(200);", TABLE_NAME, NewColumn);
AccessHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(Config.ConnectionString, cmdText);
// delete column
cmdText = string.Format(@"Alter Table {0} Drop Column [{1}];", TABLE_NAME, NewColumn);
AccessHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(Config.ConnectionString, cmdText);
// drop table
cmdText = string.Format(@"Drop Table {0};", TABLE_NAME);
AccessHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(Config.ConnectionString, cmdText);
public void AlterProcedureTest()
// first check if it exists
// delete it first
// creat store procedure
const string procedureName = "CreateStoreProcedureTest";
string cmdText = string.Format(@"CREATE PROC {0} AS SELECT * FROM t_Cow;"
, procedureName);
AccessHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(Config.ConnectionString, cmdText);
// Alter it by droping it then creating it with new implementation
cmdText = string.Format(@"Drop PROC {0};", procedureName);
AccessHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(Config.ConnectionString, cmdText);
cmdText = string.Format(@"CREATE PROC {0} ([@ID] Short) AS SELECT * FROM t_Cow WHERE ID=[@ID];"
, procedureName);
AccessHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(Config.ConnectionString, cmdText);
// drop store procedure
cmdText = string.Format(@"Drop PROC {0};", procedureName);
AccessHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(Config.ConnectionString, cmdText);
public void CheckObjectExistence()
//SELECT count(*) FROM MSysObjects Where Name = 'Admin'
string cmdText = string.Empty;
const string TABLE_NAME = "Tab1";
if (Exists(TABLE_NAME))
// drop it
cmdText = string.Format(@"Drop Table {0};", TABLE_NAME);
AccessHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(Config.ConnectionString, cmdText);
cmdText = string.Format(@"Create Table {0} (
ID Counter,
Name string,
Age integer,
[Date] DateTime); ", TABLE_NAME);
AccessHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(Config.ConnectionString, cmdText);
// drop it
cmdText = string.Format(@"Drop Table {0};", TABLE_NAME);
AccessHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(Config.ConnectionString, cmdText);
private bool Exists(string objectName)
// create procedure
const string ProcedureName = "IsExists";
string cmdText = string.Format(@"Create Proc {0} ([ObjectName] text(50)) AS SELECT count(*) FROM MSysObjects Where Name = [ObjectName];", ProcedureName);
AccessHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(Config.ConnectionString, cmdText);
catch (Exception ex)
// The procedure has been created.
int count = int.Parse(AccessHelper.ExecuteScalar(Config.ConnectionString, ProcedureName,objectName).ToString());
if (count == 1)
return true;
else if (count == 0)
return false;
throw new Exception("There are multi objects existing in data base!");