
Monday, February 12, 2007

How to subscribe to the mail list of Linux kernel Development

1. Read the FAQ of linux kernel carefully especially how to use the mail list legally and efficiently .

2. Send a mail to with the following message in your mail body:
"subscribe linux-kernel Replaced_By_Your_Valid_Email"

a. Do not add any more characters to your message except replacing the string "Replaced_By_Your_Valid_Email" with your true mail.
b. Also be aware that the message should be sent without title.

3. Then you will receive two mails from respectively with the names: "Confirmation for subscribe linux-kernel" and "Majordomo results"

4. Read the two messages carefully.

5. After reading them, send a message again to to confirm your subscription with
"auth Your_Key subscribe linux-kernel Replaced_By_Your_Valid_Email" as message body.

You can find the message body which you have to send in the "Confirmation for subscribe linux-kernel".
And again send the message without title.

6. A minute later, you will catch a welcome message from
If there is no response, please wait for more time.

7. Now You have subscribed to the Linux kernel Development mail list.

Happy day, happy life!

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